What is a Surgical Extraction?
Tooth extraction is sometimes necessary for a wide variety of reasons. A tooth may be too decayed or damaged to be saved. There are numerous reasons a tooth may require removal related to dental disease, periodontal disease, or trauma.
A typical tooth extraction involves loosening the tooth and removing it. But a surgical extraction is slightly more complex. What is a surgical extraction? When does tooth extraction become surgical? Here’s a brief overview:
When is Surgical Extraction Necessary?
Technically, all tooth extractions are surgical in nature. The term “surgical extraction” is really just more of a coding designation utilized heavily by dental benefit plans. But In cases where a tooth can not be mobilized from the tooth socket, where there is no literal wiggle room, a tooth will require a “surgical” approach. This need for “surgical” removal is due to factors such as dense bone structure of the jaw, tooth root shape and form, brittle root canal treated teeth, and patient age. If the procedure requires cutting of the gum tissue and bone removal to deliver the tooth and roots it is referred to as a surgical extraction. Sometimes a planned routine tooth extraction shifts to a surgical approach during a procedure. For this reason, teeth should always be removed by a trained and well experienced surgeon.
You’ll need to eat primarily a soft food diet for the first 48-72 hours.
As with most oral surgical procedures, It takes an average of 7-10 days to recover from a surgical extraction. Recovery times vary based on a variety of criteria from the type of anesthesia, the size of the tooth, the complexity of the extraction, the number of teeth being extracted and your age and health status. You’ll need to eat a primarily a soft food diet for the first 48 to 72 hours. Avoid drinking from a straw, avoid spitting, and avoid smoking and vaping, to prevent dry socket.
Frequently Asked Questions About Surgical Extraction
Do you use dissolvable stitches?
The sutures (stitches) used in oral surgery are typically dissolvable, meaning that they will come out on their own over time as the gum tissue heals. They may dissolve away completely or simply come loose. Dental stitches are safe if swallowed.
Does surgical extraction require cutting of the gum tissue?
A tooth extraction becomes a surgical procedure when it is necessary to cut into the gingiva (gum tissue) to access the tooth that needs to be extracted. The smallest possible incision is made during surgical extraction for minimal discomfort and fast healing.
Why Choose Lucca Oral & Facial Surgery?
A surgical extraction is best performed by an oral surgeon. Lucca Oral & Facial Surgery specializes in a variety of surgical procedures, including tooth extraction. We provide a variety of anesthesia and sedation options to make your experience as comfortable and relaxing as possible.
Call 617-300-0345 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.